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Our tax services are tailored to taxpayers with more complicated tax issues.

This includes many different situations, from an individual who operates a business from their home to a corporation paying dividends—and a myriad of other scenarios. Today’s tax laws are confusing, and the IRS can be critical when it comes to mistakes.

The Process

Great companies have great processes; Soukup, Bush & Associates has refined its processes over the years to improve our services and our clients’ results.

  • Once your return has been prepared, it is checked twice for any errors or tax compliance issues.
  • We stay current on tax law changes through continuing education.
  • If there is something on your return that needs clarification under the tax laws, we research it. Our research database is continually updated with the most recent changes so you won’t miss out.
  • In addition to we compliance, focus on tax planning and strategies to reduce your tax liability. If there are changes you can implement to reduce your tax liability in the future – we want you to know!

Tax Service Process

Our clients are individuals as well as larger corporations and partnerships—and everything in between. Our associates possess a wide range of expertise, allowing us to match you to an associate who has the knowledge and skills to address the issues pertinent to your tax return.

We recommend tax-saving strategies that help you…

  • grow and preserve assets.
  • defer income so that you can keep your money now and pay fewer taxes later.
  • reduce taxes on your income so that you keep more of what you earn.
  • reduce taxes on your estate so that your family keeps more of what you’ve made.
  • reduce taxes on your gifts so that you can give more.
  • reduce taxes on your investments so that you can grow your wealth faster.
  • reduce taxes on your retirement distributions so that you can retire comfortably.

Succession Planning Services

Our firm relishes its role as one of Colorado’s leading tax research and planning firms.

We advise and teach some of the state’s best and brightest CPA firms, law firms, and businesses on the intricacies of the tax code. Tax questions arise in a multitude of personal and business situations. We have one of the most extensive tax law libraries in the state. Every year we invest in updates and software enhancements to our tax planning systems and libraries.

Tax questions can arise any time of the year—it’s important to reach out right away.

It is important to answer these questions before a transaction or event takes place. How these transactions are structured will have a direct impact on the ensuing tax liability. Some transactions must occur in a specific structure to be valid, as in the case of like-kind exchanges. Whatever the timing of a tax question, our research and conclusions will be up-to-date and provide value for you.